Pack 1965 Positions
Please see below the different roles and leadership positions available in our Pack. Cub Scout Packs are run by volunteers and we need help from parents and grandparents to provide a fun and enriching experience for our scouts.
Please let us know if you would like to know more about any of the roles listed below.
Important considerations:
The actual time commitment listed for each role below is just an estimate.
Training and shadowing are provided.
You do not need to have any scouting experience.
Wearing the uniform is optional.
1 - Chartering Organization Representative
Help select the right leadership for the unit.
Promote well-planned, quality unit programs, including outdoor programs, advancement, and recognition.
Serve as a liaison between the units and the organization.
Promote the recruiting of new members and units.
See that boys transition from unit to unit.
Help with the charter renewal.
Suggest Good Turns to benefit the organization.
Encourage the unit committee to hold meetings.
Cultivate organization leaders, and encourage necessary training of existing and new leaders.
Utilize district help and promote the use of district personnel and materials.
Use approved unit finance policies.
Cultivate resources to support the organization.
Represent the organization at the council level.
2 - Committee Chair/Assistant Committee Chair
Schedule the use of the Pack facilities for Pack-wide activities (e.g. new scout recruiting, Pack meetings, committee meetings, pinewood derby, blue and gold banquet, etc.).
Organize and coordinate new scout recruiting and sign-ups.
Ensure that all dens have leaders and all committee positions are filled – play lead role in recruiting new leaders.
Organize and lead Pack Committee Meetings (see Annual Planning Calendar).
Make sure Committee Meeting minutes are produced and distributed on a timely basis.
Coordinate leader training with Pack Trainer.
Ensure that the Pack funds are appropriately managed.
Provide overall direction to the Pack leaders consistent with the District, Council and National organizations.
Approximately 5-10 hours per month
3 - Cubmaster/Assistant Cubmaster
Conduct a Pack program according to the policies of the SCOUTING AMERICA.
Plan and help carry out the Cub Scout program in the Pack. This includes leading the monthly Pack meeting, with the help of other leaders.
Help the Pack committee with a year-round recruitment plan for recruiting boys into Cub Scouting.
Know about and use the appropriate and available literature, including Boy's Life and Scouting magazines, Cub Scout Program Helps, and the Webelos Leader Guide.
See that the Pack program, leaders, and Cub Scouts positively reflect the interests and objectives of the chartered organization and SCOUTING AMERICA.
Work with the Pack committee on (1) program ideas, (2) selecting and recruiting adult leaders, and (3) establishing a budget plan.
Guide and support den leaders. See that they receive the required training for their positions.
Help organize Webelos dens and encourage graduation into a Scouts SCOUTING AMERICA Troop.
Help establish and maintain good relationships with Scouts SCOUTING AMERICA Troops.
Maintain good relationships with parents and guardians. Seek their support and include them in activities. Involve relatives such as uncles and grandfathers so that Cub Scouts will have additional role models.
See that Scouts receive a quality, year-round program filled with fun and activities that qualify the dens and Pack for National Summertime Pack Award.
Guide Cub Scouts in goodwill and conservation projects.
Help the Pack Committee Chair conduct the annual Pack program planning conference and the monthly Pack leaders' meeting.
Work as a team with the Pack committee chair to cultivate, educate, and motivate all Pack leaders and parents or guardians in Cub Scouting.
Take part in the charter review meeting and annual charter presentation ceremony.
Request den chiefs for all dens and, after selection, see that they are trained. Recognized the den chiefs at Pack meetings.
Conduct an impressive graduation ceremony for Lion Cubs.
Meet with the unit commissioner, Webelos den leader, and Scoutmaster to establish plans for the Webelos Scouts' transition to Boy Scouting.
Help plan and conduct impressive Webelos Crossover ceremonies involving parents and guardians, the Scoutmaster, the Webelos den chief, the Webelos den leader, and the troop junior leaders.
Conduct impressive Arrow of Light Award ceremonies.
Encourage high advancement standards for all Cub Scouts.
Help bring families together at joint activities for Webelos dens (or Packs) and Boy Scout troops
Support the policies of the SCOUTING AMERICA.
Approximately 5-10 hours per month.
4 - Pack Treasurer
Help the Pack committee and Cubmaster establish a sound financial program for the Pack with a Pack budget plan.
Open or maintain a bank account in the Pack's name and arrange for all transactions to be signed.
Check all disbursements against budget allowances, and pay bills by check. The Pack committee chair should approve bills before payment.
Keep up-to-date financial records.
Report the Pack's financial condition at the monthly Pack Committee meeting.
Provide petty cash needed by leaders. Keep a record of expenditures.
Guide the Pack in conducting council-approved Pack money-earning projects.
Approximately 2-4 hours per month.
5 - Secretary/Webmaster
Keep informed of all Cub Scouting literature, materials, records, and forms to help leaders function effectively. (e.g. Keep the Resources on up to date)
Help-new den leaders by telling them what resources are available.
Maintain up-to-date information on membership, leadership, attendance, and advancement
Handle correspondence for the Pack. This may include writing letters of appreciation and requests for reservations, or ordering supplies through the local council service center.
Keep notes on business conducted at Pack leaders' meetings. Record only key items such as things needing follow up or items for the history of the Pack.
Notify leaders of Pack leaders' meetings and other activities.
Maintains the Pack website.
Ensures items on the Pack website are current, including SCOUTING AMERICA, Council, and District Instructions.
Archives out of date material.
Coordinates with Pack treasurer to pay for the yearly website and Packmaster subscriptions.
Maintains admin rights to the Scoutbook database. Ensures that Den assignments in Scoutbook are correct.
Works with membership chair and den leaders to ensure Scoutbook is current with contact information for all Scouts and parents.
Updates the Scoutbook database and Pack Website to account for Scouts who leave or transfer from Pack 1965 and those that crossover to Scouts SCOUTING AMERICA.
Approximately 2-4 hours per month.
6 - Membership Chair
Maintains the Pack's membership applications and new Scout Welcome Packages
Ensures all Scouts information is added to Scoutbook NLT Oct 1 of every Scouting year.
Works with the Committee Chair to ensure all applications are complete for the annual rechartering.
Maintains a binder with the Pack health forms. Ensure the binder is available to Den Leaders.
Maintain a binder with the Pack photo release forms. Ensure all leaders have a list of Scouts who have not agreed to a photo release.
Approximately 1-3 hours per month.
7 - Recruiting Chair
Serve as the Pack single point of contact for recruiting new Scouts.
Maintain the Pack's recruiting supplies such as signs, posters, free copies of Boy's Life, etc.
Work with the Cubmaster and Committee Chair to plan and conduct a Join Scouting Night event in both the fall and spring. The JSN event may be conducted during the local Back to School night(s).
Attend JSN events and provide a Join Scouting table with recruitment information.
Regularly check the Pack account on for recruiting contacts.
Maintain a list of all potential Scout recruits including name, parent’s name, and contact information. Follow up with all contacts.
Approximately 2-5 hours per month (mostly during Aug/Sep/Oct).
8 - Awards Chair
Have a working knowledge of the Cub Scout advancement plans.
Utilize Scoutbook for advancement and purchase of awards.
Download den advancement reports for use when ordering badges and insignia from the local council service center.
Promote Boy's Life magazine as an aid to advancement.
Provide awards/advancement badges to the Scouts at the next Pack meeting after earning.
Promote additional awards opportunities through the Scout year such as Belt Loop/Pins, badges (e.g. Outdoor Activities, Shooting Sports, Leave No Trace, Good Turn), and other opportunities (e.g. NCAC Challenge).
Approximately 2-4 hours per month.
9 - Pack Trainer/Training Chair
Ensures Pack adult leaders and committee members have opportunities for training.
Investigate, search, and find all training which are available to the Pack Leaders and inform the leaders as to the opportunities. This will at minimum require reading the "NCAC newsletters as well as the Patriot District Basecamp Group, Burke Lake District Newsletter and Facebook group”
Inform the Pack leaders as to training which is coming up that are required for their positions.
Maintains a record of adult training for purposes of re-certification and fulfilling SCOUTING AMERICA requirements.
Reports to the Pack Committee at least three times per year as to the training status within the Pack.
Manages all adult Youth Protection Training
Sends copies of all training certifications to the secretary.
Approximately 1-3 hours per month.
10 - Pack Historian/Photographer
Attends all Pack events and photographs Pack 1965 Scouts.
Maintains the photos folder on the Pack Website.
Maintains Pack 1965 Facebook Account.
Collect photos from parents and dens to upload on Pack website.
Organizes a photo slideshow of the Scout year to be presented at the annual Blue and Gold banquet.
Creates a yearly photo yearbook to be made available for the Pack to purchase by June 1 of the Scout Year.
Approximately 3-5 hours per month
11 - Popcorn Kernel
This coordinator is responsible for the major fundraising effort of the Pack. Duties are to:
Attend kickoff meeting in August/September.
Distribute sales materials to Scouts, explain rules, etc.
Schedule Show and Sells with local merchants and schedule Scout and parents to work.
Acquire prizes and incentives.
Collect orders from scouts and turn in orders to District Office by due date specified.
Pickup popcorn and distribute to scouts.
Collect money from scouts and turn in to Pack Treasurer.
Get check from Pack Treasurer and turn in to District Office by due date.
Award Prizes at Pack meeting.
Kernel: Approximately 5-10 hours per month in Aug/Sep/Oct.
Assistants: Approximately 4-8 hours per month in Aug/Sep/Oct.
12 - Pack Public Affairs
Submits a monthly article detailing Pack 1965 activities to the LBCA and Patriot district Basecamp newsletter by the 5th of every month.
Contacts local press to encourage them to report on Pack 1965 activities (e.g. Sangster clean up, St. Andrews Clean Up, Scouting for Food, etc.).
Writes articles to submit to local press on Pack 1965 activities in the community as directed by the committee chair.
Approximately 2-4 hours per month.
13 - Scouting America Liaison
Is a Webelos or AOL parent.
Contacts local Scouting America units to support the Webelos to Scouts transition.
Assists AOL Scouts find a Scouting America unit.
Arranges for Den Chiefs for all Pack 1965 dens from local Scouting America units. Provides feedback on den chief performance to local Scouting America units.
Supports the AOL crossover ceremony by ensuring local SCOUTING AMERICA unit attendance.
Webelos or AOL parent.
Coordinates Pack Webelos attendance at Webelosree to include collecting fees, providing medical forms, securing campsites, etc.
Coordinates with Scouting America liaison to ensure Pack 1965 Webelos have access to local Scouting America units at Webelosree.
Approximately 2-3 hours per month.
14 - Event Coordinator / Ski Trip / Cultural, Health & Fitness Activities
Organizes at least 4 events per year.
Events may be District or Council events so long as they have a health and fitness, cultural or STEM theme.
Organizes the yearly Pack 1965 ski trip in Jan/Feb.
Provides healthy opportunities for the Pack outside the traditional Pack and den meetings.
Provides information to the Pack on health and fitness opportunities in the local area as well as Council and District activities.
Examples include Fire station, Police Station, City Hall, Astronomy Night, National Scout Day (Baseball game) etc
Approximately 2-3 hours per month.
15 - Service Projects Coordinator
Organizes at least one Pack service project in the summer, fall, and spring. Traditionally the summer project is the LBCA Clean Up and the fall project is the St. Andrews clean up.
Works with organizations where service projects will take place to ensure adequate supplies, materials, and tools are provided.
Works with SCOUTING AMERICA liaison for projects which will involve SCOUTING AMERICA troops as well as Pack 1965.
Keeps a record of all Pack volunteer service hours to report to Committee chair.
Keeps a record of all Scouts attendees at service projects. Reports attendance to the Awards chair for Good Turn badges.
Examples: Community cleanups, Wreaths Across America, food drives…
Approximately 2-3 hours per month.
16 - Scouting For Food Coordinator
Organizes and Conduct the annual Pack 1965 Scouting for Food event in Oct.
Schedules event with local grocery store (typically huntsman giant).
Schedules Pack dens to collect and load food.
Works with local charity to accept food delivery, provide trucks for transport.
Provide copies of requested items for Scouts to hand to shoppers as they enter the store.
Provide signs for grocery carts where food is collected.
Attends Oct Committee meeting and briefs committee on the plan for the event.
Approximately 3 hours in November.
17 - Blue & Gold Chair
Plans, organizes and conducts annual Blue and Gold banquet.
Coordinate potluck and/or provides for food for the entire Pack.
Provides a theme for the B&G banquet.
Coordinates with Cubmaster on B&G program.
Brief banquet plan to Committee at Feb and March Committee meeting.
Approximately 3 hours in February.
18 - Pinewood Derby Racing Chair
Runs the annual Pinewood Derby Racing.
Coordinates with district and council to ensure Pack 1965 compliance with Pinewood Derby rules.
Promulgates Pinewood Derby rules to Pack by Jan 1 of the Scouting Year.
Buys and distributes Pinewood Derby kits to the dens at the Dec Pack meeting (coordinate with treasurer for payment).
Organizes and runs the Pinewood Derby check in.
Maintains the Pack Pinewood Derby track and associated electronic scoring equipment.
Runs racing on Pinewood Derby day.
Provides awards in a variety of categories as well as Pinewood Derby patches and licenses for all participants.
Approximately 10 hours in January.
19 - Pinewood Derby Timer
Assists Pinewood Derby Chair as event timer.
Dry-runs track timing computer and electronic scoring system prior to Race Day
Helps assign awards.
Approximately 6 hours in January.
20 - Pinewood Derby Food Coordinator
Webelos or AOL Parent.
Plans the food sales at the annual Pinewood Derby event.
Organizes volunteers to run food sales.
Approximately 5 hours in January.
21 - Pack to Troop Liaison & Arrow of Light Crossover Coordinator
AOL parent.
Serves as the focal point between Pack 1965 and local Scouts SCOUTING AMERICA Troops.
Manages the AOL to Troop visits invitations and advertisements to Troop functions. Passes coordinating information to appropriate Dens to plan visits.
Plans the annual Crossover ceremony.
Coordinates bridge for Crossover Ceremony.
Coordinates with Cubmaster to plan Crossover ceremony as part of the February Blue and Gold.
Coordinates with SCOUTING AMERICA liaison to ensure SCOUTING AMERICA troop attendance.
Approximately 3-10 hours in Dec/Jan/Feb.
22 - Campout coordinator
Is BALOO Trained
Plans, organizes and conducts the annual Spring & Fall campouts.
Reserves sites 6-12 months in advance of campout.
Coordinates with Cubmaster on program.
Briefs Committee on Fall Campout plans at August and September Committee meetings.
Briefs Committee on Spring Campout plans at April and May Committee meetings.
Approximately 6-10 hours twice a year.
23 - Summer Camp Coordinators
Coordinates Pack 1965 participation in District and Council summer camps.
Coordinators shall attend the entirety of Camp with Pack 1965.
Advertises camp at Pack meetings and via Pack website/emails in Spring of Scout year.
Creates list of attendees, ensures all paperwork is completed and submitted.
Recruits parents to be den walkers/attendees.
Coordinates with Treasurer to pay for camp - makes every effort to maximize early registration benefits.
Coordinate summer day camp at Occoquan.
Approximately 1-3 hours per month .
24 - Religious Emblem Coordinators
Educates Scouts on the opportunity to earn religious medals/square knots.
Coordinates with local religious organizations.
Provides at least one opportunity per month for Scouts to work on religious medals requirements (similar to a den meeting).
Coordinates with applicable religious organizations to ensure Scout attendance/recognition at Scout Sunday services.
Approximately 0-2 hours per month.
25 - NOVA/Super NOVA STEM Coordinators
Educates Scouts on the opportunity to earn the NOVA/SUPERNOVA awards.
Coordinates and track Scout advancement toward NOVA/SUPERNOVA.
Coordinate with Pack parents to provide STEM subject matter experts as mentors.
Provide at least one STEM event opportunity per month for Scouts working on NOVA/SUPERNOVA.
Coordinate with Awards Chair to award NOVA/SUPERNOVA medals.
Approximately 0-2 hours per month.
26 - T-shirt/Pack Sales Coordinator
Maintain the Pack T-shirt inventory.
Attend each Pack event (or send a representative) and have t-shirts available for sale.
Coordinate with treasurer for t-shirt orders to maintain inventory.
Coordinate with Committee on design/vendor changes.
Approximately 0-2 hours per month.
27 - Lion Den Guide
Advise and guide newest Den that joins the Pack for ~4-5 meetings.
Lead the first meeting – all Scout earn Bobcat.
Setup initial schedule for parent participation.
Find a new Den Leader from Den parents.
Manage Scoutbook until new Den Leader is assigned.
Transition Den to permanent Den Leader.
Approximately 5-10 hours in Sep/Oct.
28 - Quartermaster
Transport Flags to Pack Meetings sites and campouts.
Maintain Pack equipment in the shed and LBCA storage closet.
Ensure equipment is serviceable.
Work with the Treasurer to purchase new equipment as necessary.
Maintain the Uniform donation bin and ensure it’s brought to various Pack Activities.
Approximately 1-3 hours per month.
29 - Fishing Derby Coordinator
Coordinate a Pack-wide Fishing Derby in the Spring.
Provide materials to den leaders on how to identify fish.
Provide materials to den leaders on how to tie knots.
Approximately 3-5 hours in the Spring.
30 - Bike Rodeo Coordinator
Coordinate a bike rodeo for the Pack.
Identify activities at each station.
Coordinate with local police department to do a safety demonstration.
Approximately 3-5 hours in the Spring or Fall.
31 - Den Leader
Help lead weekly or bi-weekly den meetings.
Help Cub Scouts complete adventures and work on rank requirements.
Help Cub Scouts learn skills and participate in activities.
Plan and conduct a year-round program of activities.
Help the den participate in monthly pack meetings.
Meet regularly with the den chief to review plans.
Approximately 3-8 hours per month.
32 - BALOO Trained Leader (Next training April 5-6, 2025)
BALOO stands for Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation. It’s the introductory training Cub Scout leaders should complete before taking Cub Scouts on an overnight camping trip.
Scouting America requires that you have at least one BALOO-trained adult on every Cub Scout den or pack overnight outdoor event. That includes pack camping and Webelos & AOL den overnighters.
A BALOO-trained leader should be at any overnighter regardless of whether it is a pack, district or council event.
Training Requirements
BALOO Training is made up of two parts: an online course available on, and an in-person, hands-on course. You must complete both parts to qualify as a trained outdoor Cub Scout leader. The hands-on course involves camping overnight (after all, that’s what the course is about – camping). You’re going to learn a lot, from cooking to first aid to campfires to hiking to aquatics and much, much more.